Date |
Speaker |
Jan 16 |
Particle Theory Seminar - Fanyi Zhao - “Probing nucleon structures with Energy Correlators” |
Jan 23 |
Particle Theory Seminar - Riccardo Rattazzi - “The semiclassical description of CFT in the large charge regime” |
Jan 30 |
Particle Theory Seminar - Li-Yuan Chiang - “Bootstrapping String Theory EFT” |
Feb 13 |
Particle Theory Seminar - Murat Kologlu - “Quantum Detectorology” |
Feb 20 |
Particle Theory Seminar - Zhiquan Sun - “Transverse Momentum Distributions of Heavy Hadrons and Polarized Heavy Quarks” |
Feb 27 |
Particle Theory Seminar - Subham Dutta Chowdhury - “Non-relativistic conformal field theories and Unnuclear physics” |
Mar 5 |
Particle Theory Seminar - Brandon Rayhaun - “Genera of Chiral Algebras” |
Mar 26 |
Particle Theory Seminar - Matthew Schwartz - “Landau, Cutkosky, and Pham: Geometry and Analyticity of Scattering Amplitudes” |
Apr 2 |
Particle Theory Seminar - Surjeet Rajendran - “The Classical Equations of Motion of Quantized Gauge Theories” |
Apr 9 |
Particle Theory Seminar - Yifan Wang - “Topological Interfaces and Gauging Generalized Symmetries” |
Apr 16 |
Particle Theory Seminar - Leonardo Rastelli - “Bootstrapping Mesons at large N” |
Apr 23 |
Particle Theory Seminar - João Barata - “Jet EEC in hot QCD” |
Apr 30 |
Particle Theory Seminar - Ofer Aharony - “Two dimensional QCD as a string theory” |
May 14 |
Particle Theory Seminar - Luca Delacretaz - “Bound on the thermalization time of d>2 CFTs” |